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Churpri Treat Bar

Churpri Treat Bar

PriceFrom €6.70

Churpi is a 100% natural treat that is hypoallergenicimmunostimulant and cares for the lymphatic system and gastrointestinal mucosa.


In addition, its nutritional properties provide important benefits for your dog:


  • CALCIUM, actively contributes to the development of bones and teeth.

  • POTASIUM, regulates the nervous system and prevents fatigue, muscle weakness and cramping.

  • ZINC, favors development/growth, softens the skin and improves your immune system.

  • BIOTIN, promotes cell growth and digestive metabolism.

  • FOLIC ACID, reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.


  • VITAMINS A, B1, C, D, E and K, increase the production of red and white blood cells and improve vision.

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